Respond to the Call

We are on the Frontlines every day rescuing men and women out of homelessness and sex trafficking, while preventing children and vulnerable individuals from falling victim.

Anti Sex Trafficking


Youth Prevention

The Problem


Men estimated to purchase sex in Georgia every month


Individuals in Metro Atlanta live in homelessness


Of our children live in poverty

Our Story

In the 21st century, far too many people are trapped in the darkness of sex trafficking and homelessness. Without a path toward freedom, many of these individuals will die without ever knowing they are loved. Frontline Response is on the frontlines every day, rescuing these individuals and preventing the most vulnerable in society, our children, from falling victim. When people are rescued out of sex trafficking and homelessness, they can begin to walk out God’s purpose for their lives and become a beacon of light for others.


Our Departments

Anti Sex Trafficking

For survivors of sexual exploitation, the path to restoration can be lengthy and difficult to navigate alone. We offer holistic and trauma-informed care to empower and give hope for the future.

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We see beyond rough exteriors and circumstances. We know that everyone experiencing homelessness has a name, a story, and a bright future. We want to walk that journey with them.

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Youth Prevention

There are many children who are hurting and surrounded by poverty, drug abuse, violence, and crime. Our creative solutions help break the cycle of hopelessness.

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Our Approach

Holistic Approach

We are committed to providing holistic, trauma-informed, individualized services coordinated across programs and agencies to meet the unique needs of each individual and his or her family.

Dignity Through Choice

Individuals rescued out of sex trafficking, exploitation, and homelessness are given options for their long-term programming in order to ensure dignity.

Partner Network

We partner with 50+ strategic program partners across the country to connect our clients with the best long-term programs for each of their unique situations.

 Stories of Hope

New At Frontline Response

New At Frontline Response

Ready to join the fight against sex trafficking? Read this first.

Every year, millions of vulnerable children and women are trafficked for sex around the world. But it's hard to know how to actually help. That's why we created this helpful pdf—so you can get equipped with simple, practical steps to make a difference in your community.

In this free digital guide, you will:

  • Become better informed about the issue of sex trafficking

  • Learn how to identify the signs of trafficking and report a tip

  • Discover opportunities to volunteer your time, skills, and talents in the fight against sex trafficking

  • See what critical items you can provide to trafficking survivors

  • Learn how to join The Responder Community, our community of monthly givers committed to making a difference in the fight against sex trafficking


Connect your hands of service with the heart of Jesus in your local community

Mission Trips

Bring your a team to partner with us in outreaches for a weekend or full week!